I can safely say that without going here I wouldn’t be doing what I was doing today. So no matter what you decide to do later in life, the experiences you will have here at GAA will no doubt make it a second home in no time!

Connor Curren, Actor

I can safely say that without going here I wouldn’t be doing what I was doing today. So no matter what you decide to do later in life, the experiences you will have here at GAA will no doubt make it a second home in no time!Connor Curren, Actor


Pinocchio’s Pantomonium

Posted by GAA on Monday, 2 May 2022
Panto auditions are coming soon and this year Glasgow Acting Academy will be performing…..
Pinocchio’s Pantomonium!!
It’s been 3 years since we have been able to do a classic GAA Christmas Panto and we are ready for it - oh yes we are!
Auditions will take place on Wednesday 29th of June and is open to anyone aged 8-18!
Sign up for the audition now by getting in touch at info@glasgowactingacademy.org.