I can safely say that without going here I wouldn’t be doing what I was doing today. So no matter what you decide to do later in life, the experiences you will have here at GAA will no doubt make it a second home in no time!

Connor Curren, Actor

I can safely say that without going here I wouldn’t be doing what I was doing today. So no matter what you decide to do later in life, the experiences you will have here at GAA will no doubt make it a second home in no time!Connor Curren, Actor


Romeo and Juliet

Posted by GAA on Monday, 9 December 2019

'For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo'. The Capulets and Montagues come to the GAA stage on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February. Our senior acting students have worked hard to give this tragic story a fresh and youthful twist.

book online

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