I can safely say that without going here I wouldn’t be doing what I was doing today. So no matter what you decide to do later in life, the experiences you will have here at GAA will no doubt make it a second home in no time!
Connor Curren, Actor
I can safely say that without going here I wouldn’t be doing what I was doing today. So no matter what you decide to do later in life, the experiences you will have here at GAA will no doubt make it a second home in no time!Connor Curren, Actor
The senior musical theatre technique class presents ‘Purpose’ on the 8th and 9th September at the Wild Cabaret. Tickets at £10 can be purchased in the GAA office. Get your tickets now for a night of cabaret.
Oscars 2019
It's nearly that time of year again…The Oscars! This year our theme is ‘icons’ so get ready for a night of awards, glamour and entertainment. Friday 30th August at the national piping centre. 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Tickets can be purchased in the GAA office now!
Shakespeare Auditions
Our next acting rep season is fast approaching and we will be doing a Shakespeare block. 'Two households, both alike in dignity' Romeo and Juliet take to the GAA stage in February 2020. Come along and audition to be part of Shakespeare’s classic on Thursday 15th August. For ages 14-18. Fancy yourself as a lover, a player or a fairy? Come along to the workshop audition for this enchanting comedy, A Midsummer Night's Dream on Thursday 22nd of August 2019 from 5pm-8pm. For ages 10-14 Auditions can be booked through info@glasgowactingacademy.org or sign up at the front desk.